Thrifty Pixie
Welcome to my site!
I appreciate the visit immensely and hope you like what you find!
A little about me...

My name is Renay Friendshuh.
As an entrepreneurial artist, aspiring environmentalist,
and adventuress, I created this site as a place to display
my artwork. In the beginning, it also served as a link to
my Crowdfunding campaign to support my semester
abroad in Costa Rica in 2013.
Thanks to many contributors and friends, this endeavor
was incredibly successful with over $3,500 raised! More
information on this is available in my ‘Results’ page along
with the names to many of my incredible ‘Contributors’.
Now that I am back in the USA, my website will continue
to be a place for my portfolio and various projects related
to art that I have planned. Please feel free to look around,
comment, or contact me with any questions about past
or current projects.
Just as before, all my work is for sale by contribution with
the proceeds now going to my fund for higher education.
I am very passionate about art and plan on studying art
therapy in college in order to one day work with individuals
who can more easily express themselves through art than words.
Again, if anything strikes your fancy, just send me an
email at renaypeace@gmail.com.
Thank you and happy exploring!
Renay Friendshuh