Thrifty Pixie
​My Classes and Specialties
...for those in the Memphis, Missouri area...
Swimming Lessons
Available to all ages, including adults. I am offering swim lessons during the summer of 2015 at the Memphis Swimming Pool. I am a fully certified lifeguard and work there for three years. I am flexible with times and can provide lessons for 1 to 2 students at a time, charging per individual.
I love to swim and am on the swim team, having much experience in the water and with children. Please contact me if you are interested!​

​Art Classes
 Available to children ages 5-12, I am offering classes in July. I am very passionate about art and topics of creativity may include watercolor painting, projects based on the color wheel, drawing designs and patterns, making cards and much more! ​​

~Face Painting at Children's Parties
​ Face painting is great fun at parties and events for children-- sometimes the parents join in too! I will happily decorate designs for kids using safe and washable face painting crayons.

I have spent many hours babysitting and love to be around children. I enjoy finding ways to engage with kids and am available in July for childcare.
~Mail Box Painting and Personalizing​
​ Whether it be simple lettering or a more elaborate design, I would be delighted to add some artsy decor to your mailbox.​
​Special for Area Businesses
I will be more than happy to decorate store fronts for events such as Halloween, Chirstmans, or theme sales!
Additionally, if you would like to display my artisan cards for this fundraiser, please contact me!
Thank you very much, Memphis!!!
Sincerely, Renay​

In addition to artwork, I am also happy to offer the following classes and specialties for those in and around the Memphis, MO area. Please contact me for details at Renaypeace@gmail.com.